Their Wish for Christmas.Not to eat gruel, dried beans, stodgy porridge, or a contagion on their plate.Dec 17, 2024Dec 17, 2024
I WANT TO TAKE YOU ON A JOURNEY.Even though it’s unlikely you will come. And if you do, you won’t like it one bit.Nov 5, 2023Nov 5, 2023
What you might not know about BrexitOr the real reasons behind the vote to leaveDec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020
We met for coffee. He was shy, awkward, and bloody hard work.We might judge books by their cover, but there’s much more to it when reading someone we meet.Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020
The Fruit Cake That Would Not Go AwayI won a fruitcake while out with my mates. One of them took issue with it and came looking for an argument. Set in a domestic scene…Jan 14, 2020Jan 14, 2020
I blame my mother!And I shouldn’t. It all started with her, telling me what to do and what not to do. Get caught doing the latter got the back of my bare…Apr 15, 2018Apr 15, 2018
Did I Seduce the Vicar?Locked away in the archives of my past, there are many events that seldom come to mind. Some are best forgotten, others welcomed by some…Apr 10, 2018Apr 10, 2018